November 04, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha

Idul Adha (di Republik Indonesia, Hari Raya Haji, bahasa Arab: عيد الأضحى) adalah sebuah hari raya Islam. Pada hari ini diperingati peristiwa kurban, yaitu ketika nabi Ibrahim (Abraham), yang bersedia untuk mengorbankan putranya Ismail untuk Allah, akan mengorbankan putranya Ismail, kemudian digantikan oleh-Nya dengan domba.

Pada hari raya ini, umat Islam berkumpul pada pagi hari dan melakukan salat Ied bersama-sama di tanah lapang, seperti ketika merayakan Idul Fitri. Setelah salat, dilakukan penyembelihan hewan kurban, untuk memperingati perintah Allah kepada Nabi Ibrahim yang menyembelih domba sebagai pengganti putranya.

Hari Raya Idul Adha jatuh pada tanggal 10 bulan Dzulhijjah, hari ini jatuh persis 70 hari setelah perayaan Idul Fitri. Hari ini juga beserta hari-hari Tasyrik diharamkan puasa bagi umat Islam..

Pusat perayaan Idul Adha adalah sebuah desa kecil di Arab Saudi yang bernama Mina, dekat Mekkah. Di sini ada tiga tiang batu yang melambangkan Iblis dan harus dilempari batu oleh umat Muslim yang sedang naik Haji.

Hari Idul Adha adalah puncaknya ibadah Haji yang dilaksanakan umat Muslim.
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November 03, 2011

Football Manager 2012

Description :
Due out this winter, Football Manager 2012 will apparently boast over 800 new features. Key alterations include a revamped transfer and contract system, including better implementation of amateur and youth contracts, and the arrival of loyalty bonuses (you won’t need to pay many of those in the Premiership). “We’re constantly watching the whole of the football world, and dealing with people inside football, to find out out what’s changing,” says Sports Interactive MD, Miles Jacobson. “One thing people may notice from the screenshots is that the signing on fee isn’t there anymore – it’s been replaced by a loyalty bonus. It’s fortuitous this has happened just as the news broke that Febregas was going to be paying back Arsenal some of his signing on fee for the next few years, because they paid him a loyalty bonus upfront. The featureset for this game was nailed down in December, but sometimes we go along at the pace of the real-life sport. Life sometimes imitates art!

Features :

* Transfers & Contracts – significant changes to the transfer and contract systems, including loyalty bonuses, better implementation of amateur and youth contracts, an improved transfer centre and the ability to lock areas of the contract negotiation when you aren’t prepared to budge. This helps you to manage your budgets and gives you flexibility in what you offer money hungry players, or agents, as incentives.
* Scouting improvements – using several real life scouting reports, a new in-game report has been devised which includes squad analysis, tactics information and information about goals scored and conceded alongside lots of other scouting improvements, giving you all the information you need to prepare before kick-off and throughout the season.
* 3D Match Improvements – new animations, a whole new crowd system, improved weather system, more stadiums, plus two brand new cameras – “Behind Goal” and “Director Cam” as well as all other camera angles being reversible – meaning you can watch and analyse every aspect of every game.
* Manage Anywhere, Anytime – the ability to add or take away playable nations in your saved game as often as you want. Manage in that country at the start of the next season- meaning you don’t have to stay in the nations which are chosen by you to be playable at the start of your career.
* Tone – a whole new level has been added to team talks and conversations, with the new tone system, which allows you to specify the way you want to say things – be as cool as a cucumber by saying things calmly or throw tea cups around by saying things with passion. There are 6 different tones to choose from with specific comments per tone.
* Intelligent Interface – a new adaptive layout system, which means the higher your screen resolution, the more info is easily at your fingertips. The new interface also contains new filters, customisable columns, a new tactics screen, and lots of new overview screens.
* Brand New Tutorial – standing separate from the main game, a mode to help new players find their way around the game easily, whilst also offering tips to experienced managers on how to get the most out of the game, as well as a new in-game “how to” system.

Mininum System Requirements :

* OS: Windows XP/Vista/W7
* CPU: XP : 1.4GHz or Faster; Vista/W7 : 2.0GHz or Faster (Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon)
* RAM: XP : 512MB RAM; Vista/W7 : 1.0GB RAM
* HDD: 2GB
* 4x Speed DVD Drive
* Video Card - 128MB (Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater). Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c (included)
* LAN - TCP/IP compliant


1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

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November 01, 2011

Kesempatan Kerja di PLN November 2011

Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero)
Tingkat S1/D4/D3 Tahun 2011
Penempatan di Seluruh Indonesia

Persyaratan :
*Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki;
*Status belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani Diklat Prajabatan;
*Mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala Semester Akhir yang sedang/telah menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir atau Lulus S1/D4 atau D3;
*Batas Usia
o S1 : maksimum kelahiran 1985 dan sesudahnya
o D3 : maksimum kelahiran 1987 dan sesudahnya

o IPK > 2,75 untuk Teknik
o IPK > 3,00 untuk Non Teknik

*Tinggi Badan > 155 cm
*Penglihatan normal atau maksimal visus mata adalah -4 (minus empat)
*Tidak Buta Warna

Syarat-syaratnya klik yang di bawah ini :
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